ALL 2024 HONEY HARVESTED 2024 honey is nearly sold out. It is darker than usual and very delicious. The next harvest will be in June 2025 so if you would like some before next summer it is best to buy now. It makes a great Christmas present too! January, 2025.
Contact me with what you would like
I reserve your honey with your name on it for a week
We arrange when you can come and collect it from me - the hives are at my home (address below)
You can pay BACS in advance, or cash when you collect
Love the Earth like my bees and I do .........
Hackney Garden Honey is 100% pure and made from local flowers
No heat is used in processing
It is not over-filtered which means that the beneficial pollen is retained
It is produced in a sustainable way: re-use equipment, re-cycle, no plastic, hand extraction so minimal carbon footprint
Price maintained at 2023 rates but will increase next season 234g/8.25 oz = £8.50 340g/12 oz = £12.50 Honey in comb = sold out
I am an artisan beekeeper, not a shop. so at the moment I am not able to accept card payments. I am happy to accept cash, or BACs payment. Please confirm your preference when you reserve your honey and I can supply further details. Thank you. HONEY Bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in wax honeycomb to supply the colony with food in bad weather and throughout the winter months.
Honey is a healthy food that has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. However, please do not feed honey to babies under twelve months old. Some people believe that local honey can minimise allergic reactions to pollen, although this has not yet been scientifically established. What has been proved in recent research by Oxford University, published in The Lancet, is that honey is more effective in treating seasonal colds and sore throats than anti-biotics and 'over the counter' remedies. You can save yourself and the NHS money and not run the risk of the development of anti-biotic resistance.
My bees live in cedar hives in a traditional cottage garden that is designed to attract and support wildlife and featured in the RSPB magazine Spring 2018 and Beecraft Magazine March and April 2019 and was part of BBC Big Bee Challenge 2021.
Bees forage as close to the hive as possible, but the distance they fly may extend to two miles or further, when nectar and pollen are scarce. So my bees may have travelled as far as Victoria Park and the borders of the Olympic Park to the East, Stoke Newington, Abney Cemetery and Clissold Park to the North, the roof gardens of Bank to the South, The Angel to the West and gardens and parks in between.
Hackney Garden Honey contains no artificial additives, or sugar syrup. It is not heat treated. See the section on Scientific Analysis for information on natural sugars, water and pollen content.
Only natural and approved veterinary remedies have been used to prevent and control the spread of the devastating diseases and pests that how threaten all British honeybees. Urban bees are not exposed to agricultural chemicals now used by so many farmers.
I only have three hives and I am not aiming at being a commercial enterprise. Production will always be small and only what the bees can spare. The price will be that recommended by the local Beekeepers' Association.
I make donations from the sale of honey and candles to the charities Bees for Development and Bees Abroad which help people in Third World Countries to create a reliable income from bees. I have also supported the Jeveeka Trust's work with women beekeepers in India and this year I have supported the Woodland Trust's tree planting initiative and the National Garden Scheme.
APIARY & GARDEN OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS PART OF NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME 2025 Thanks to all of you who supported the opening of my apiary and wildlife garden in aid of medical charities through the National Garden Scheme in 2024. We made a significant donation which was much appreciated and will help organisations including Macmillan and local hospices. I am Royal Horticultural Society qualified and am happy to advise on plants and planting schemes for wildlife.
Buying Hackney Garden Honey prize winning products I strive to achieve the highest standards in bee welfare and honey production. I hold qualifications awarded by the British Beekeepers' Association in beekeeping, honeybee products, honeybee health and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health certificate in Food Safety.
My honey has been awarded 'best in class' and 'best in show' by North London Beekeepers. I have also been awarded first class for my candles and other beekeeping related products.